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Our Violent Ends

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70,90 руб. ЦЕНА
Пожертвовав своими отношениями с Ромой, чтобы защитить его от кровной мести, Джульетта встала на тропу войны. Одно неверное движение, и ее двоюродный брат отберет у нее место наследницы Алой банды. Единственный способ спасти любимого человека – поверить в то, что она убила его лучшего друга и заставить его желать ей смерти. В тоже время Рома не может отойти от смерти Маршалла, и он полон решимости все исправить – даже если для этого придется убить девушку, которую он любит больше всего на свете. Книга Хлои Гонг «Наш неистовый конец» – фантазийное переосмысление «Ромео и Джульетты», действие которого происходит в Шанхае 1920-х годов. Произведение заинтересует тех читателей, кому по душе историческое фэнтези и книги в жанре young adult. Книга на английском языке. The year is 1927, and Shanghai teeters on the edge of revolution. The heartstopping follow up to These Violent Delights, an imaginative, alluring retelling of Romeo and Juliet set in 1920s Shanghai. After sacrificing her relationship with Roma to protect him from the blood feud, Juliette has been a girl on the warpath. One wrong move, and her cousin will step into usurp her place as the Scarlet Gang's heir. The only way to save the boy she loves from the wrath of the Scarlets is to have him want her dead for murdering his best friend in cold blood. If Juliette were actually guilty of the crime Roma believes she committed, his rejection might sting less. Roma is still reeling from Marshall's death, and his cousin Benedikt will barely speak to him. Roma knows it's his fault for letting the ruthless Juliette back into his life, and he's determined to set things right - even if that means killing the girl he hates and loves with equal measure. Then a new monstrous danger emerges in the city, and though secrets keep them apart, Juliette must secure Roma's cooperation if they are to end this threat once and for all. Shanghai is already at a boiling point: The Nationalists are marching in, whispers of civil war brew louder every day, and gangster rule faces complete annihilation. Roma and Juliette must put aside their differences to combat monsters and politics, but they aren't prepared for the biggest threat of all: protecting their hearts from each other.
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