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The Arrest

0 отзывов
64,00 руб. ЦЕНА
Арест - это не постапокалипсис. Это не антиутопия. Это не утопия. Это просто то, что происходит, когда многое из того, что мы считаем само собой разумеющимся - автомобили, оружие, компьютеры и самолеты, - перестает работать... До Ареста у Сэнди Дюплесси была довольно неплохая жизнь сценариста в Лос-Анджелесе. Старый друг по колледжу и партнер по сценарию, харизматичный и злобный Питер Тодбаум, стал одним из самых влиятельных людей в Голливуде. Но теперь, после Ареста, все меняется. Написанный с нераскаянной радостью и пронизанный как раз нужной долей современного ужаса, роман Джонатана Литэма "Арест" - это спекулятивная беллетристика во всей ее красе. Книга на английском языке. The Arrest isn't post-apocalypse. It isn't a dystopia. It isn't a utopia. It's just what happens when much of what we take for granted - cars, guns, computers, and airplanes, for starters - stops working... Before the Arrest, Sandy Duplessis had a reasonably good life as a screenwriter in L.A. An old college friend and writing partner, the charismatic and malicious Peter Todbaum, had become one of the most powerful men in Hollywood. That didn't hurt. Now, post-Arrest, nothing is what it was. Sandy, who calls himself Journeyman, has landed in rural Maine. There he assists the butcher and delivers the food grown by his sister, Maddy, at her organic farm. But then Todbaum shows up in an extraordinary vehicle: a retrofitted tunnel-digger powered by a nuclear reactor. Todbaum has spent the Arrest smashing his way across a fragmented and phantasmagorical United States, trailing enmities all the way. Plopping back into the siblings' life with his usual odious panache, his motives are entirely unclear. Can it be that Todbaum wants to produce one more extravaganza? Whatever he's up to, it may fall to Journeyman to stop him. Written with unrepentant joy and shot through with just the right amount of contemporary dread, The Arrest is speculative fiction at its absolute finest.
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