Шаткий мир заключен между правителем Нортумбрии викингом Сигтригром и саксонской королевой Мерсии Этельфлед.
И вот величайший воин Англии, Утред Беббанбургский, наконец-то получил шанс вернуть свое родовое гнездо – крепость, которую его дядя-предатель украл у него много лет назад.
Но неожиданно его планы рушатся вторжением нового врага – шотландского короля. Непрочный мир может обернуться чудовищной войной…
Десятый роман Бернарда Корнуэлла «Несущий огонь» из серии “Last Kingdom” станет отличным подарком не только для поклонников творчества писателя, но и для тех, кому по душе исторические романы и приключенческая литература.
Книга на английском языке
The tenth book in the epic and bestselling series that has gripped millions.
A hero will be forged from this broken land.
From the day it was stolen from me I had dreamed of recapturing Bebbanburg. The great fort was built on a rock that was almost an island, it was massive, it could only be approached on land by a single narrow track – and it was mine.
Britain is in a state of uneasy peace. Northumbria’s Viking ruler, Sigtryggr, and Mercia’s Saxon Queen Aethelflaed have agreed a truce. And so England’s greatest warrior, Uhtred of Bebbanburg, at last has the chance to take back the home his traitorous uncle stole from him so many years ago – and which his scheming cousin still occupies.
But fate is inexorable and the enemies Uhtred has made and the oaths he has sworn combine to distract him from his dream of recapturing Bebbanburg. New enemies enter into the fight for England’s kingdoms: the redoubtable Constantin of Scotland seizes an opportunity for conquest and leads his armies south. Britain’s precarious peace threatens to turn into a war of annihilation.
But Uhtred is determined that nothing, neither the new enemies nor the old foes who combine against him, will keep him from his birthright. He is the Lord of Bebbanburg, but he will need all the skills he has learned in a lifetime of war to make his dream come true.
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