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Battles Map by Map

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336,64 руб. ЦЕНА
Если вам интересно узнать больше о крупнейших битвах, происходивших на протяжении веков, то эта книга о войне идеально подходит для вас. Карта сражений за картой переносит вас на место знаменитых генералов и командующих, таких как Рамзес II, Наполеон и Александр Македонский, которые умело планировали свои атаки, изучая равнины, на которых они должны были проходить. Так чего же ты ждешь? Совершите путешествие назад во времени, чтобы узнать больше о таких войнах, как битва при Алезии, Наполеоновские войны и Вторая мировая война, и проследите за географией этих эпических сражений в этой блестящей книге по мировой истории. Изобилующая яркими иллюстрациями и полная захватывающих деталей, эта историческая книга - идеальный подарок любителям карт, энтузиастам военной истории и кабинетным генералам во всем мире. Радиожурналист и историк Питер Сноу написал предисловие к этой замечательной книге по истории для взрослых. Книга на английском языке. Explore the world's most famous battles by their geography as you uncover the most ancient, medieval and modern combats in history. If you're interested in finding out more about the biggest battles fought throughout the ages, then this war book is perfect for you. Battles Map by Map puts you in the seat of famous generals and commanders such as Rameses II, Napoleon, and Alexander the Great who expertly planned their attacks by studying the plains on which they would take place. So what are you waiting for? Journey back in time to learn more about wars such as the Battle of Alesia, Napoleonic Wars, and World War II and follow the geography of these epic battles in this brilliant book on the history of the world. Journey into past like never before as you explore: - 80 easy-to-follow maps showcasing the most famous battles in history - Timelines that showcase battles in chronological order, ideal for visual learners - Informative easy-to-read text explains the events of the battles - Features provide additional contextual information on key technologies, leaders, armies, and more Bursting with striking illustrations and full of fascinating detail, this history book is the ultimate gift for map lovers, military history enthusiasts, and armchair generals everywhere. Battles Map by Map takes you right to the heart of the action, where you can discover the profiles of famous commanders and military leaders and reveal the impact of groundbreaking weapons and battlefield innovations. Additionally, historic maps, paintings, photographs, and objects take you to the heart of the action whereby the impact of groundbreaking weapons and battlefield innovations is revealed. Broadcasting journalist and historian, Peter Snow, provides a foreword for this marvellous history book for adults. From ancient to modern battles, he provides context for the world's most famous wars, both won and lost. See for yourself how tactics, technology, vision, and luck have all played a part in the outcome of wars throughout...
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