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Queen Elizabeth II. Celebrating the Legacy and Royal Wardrobe of Her Majesty the Queen

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Изысканный и роскошный, безукоризненно сшитый, достойный и, прежде всего, практичный, гардероб королевы Елизаветы II был столь же самобытен по стилю, сколь уникально было ее положение в мире. Эта замечательная книга с любовью рассказывает о тех днях, когда ее Величество возглавляла модную индустрию, представляя лучших мировых дизайнеров. На каждом показе, за которым наблюдал весь мир, безупречные наряды королевы Елизаветы II были в центре оживленных обсуждений. Эта портновская биография прославляет ее Величество как всеми любимую и неподвластную времени икону стиля. Путешествуйте сквозь десятилетия с книгой Джейн Исто "Королева Елизавета II. Прославление наследия и королевского гардероба Ее Величества королевы", и откройте для себя классические модели с завышенной талией и пышными юбками, строгие силуэты на заказ, а также более непринужденные фасоны 70-х, которые носила Ее Величество. Книга на английском языке. Exquisite and sumptuous, immaculately tailored, dignified and, above all, practical. The wardrobe of Queen Elizabeth II was as distinctive in style as her position in the world was unique. This remarkable book is a fond reflection of the days when her Majesty led the field in fashion, showcasing some of the world's best designers. At every appearance, as the world looked on, the impeccable outfits of Queen Elizabeth II were at the centre of keen discussion and debate. This sartorial biography celebrates Her Majesty as a much-loved and timeless style icon. Showcasing the best of the world's designers, including Norman Hartnell, Hardy Amies and Ian Thomas, it also tells us much about the many years in which she reigned. Journey through the decades to discover classic designs with nipped-in waists and full skirts, strong tailored silhouettes, as well rather more relaxed styles from the 70s, all worn by Her Majesty, who always dressed with poise and diplomacy for the world stage. Princess Elizabeth was the leading style influencer of her day. Young and beautiful (and a real princess), she represented postwar optimism and renewal, both personal and cultural. She had a wardrobe most could only dream of, custom-made in the finest fabrics. From practical clothes for her beloved outdoor pursuits to exquisite and sumptuous gowns, her personal style reflected cultural and social changes over nine decades and reveals a rare understanding of the value of impeccable dressing. In our current era of casual clothing for nearly every occasion, the Queen's formal attire signalled respect for those she was visiting. With stunning formal portraits and candid photography, discover the careful work that underpinned the royal wardrobe and celebrate Her Majesty The Queen's enduring legacy.
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