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Business Result. Elementary. Teacher's Book and DVD

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Business Result. Elementary. Teacher's Book and DVD - Книга для учителя с диском серии «Business Result Second Edition». Шестиуровневый практический курс делового английского языка обеспечивает эффективное развитие навыков для свободного общения в сфере бизнеса на уровнях A1-C2. Во втором издании обновлено содержание пособий с учетом новейших реалий делового мира. Удобная модульная структура учебника позволяет выбирать наиболее актуальные уроки и адаптировать программу с учетом индивидуальных особенностей. Современная бизнес-лексика, понятия, терминология, подробное объяснения грамматических структур, применяемых в бизнес-контексте позвовляют учащимся сразу начать использовать язык в реальной жизни. Особое внимание уделено коммуникативным навыкам и беглости произношения. Современная цифровая платформа включает аудио и видеоматериалы, дополнительные упражнения и тесты с автоматической проверкой, практику написания деловых писем, интерактивный банк фразовых выражений и бизнес-словарь. Business Result Second Edition offers business professionals more communication and language practice than ever before, helping students develop relevant communication skills they can use immediately in the workplace. For business professionals looking to advance their careers through improving their English, Business Result Second Edition is a practical Business English course that focuses on real, relevant communication skills they can immediately use in the workplace. The easy-to-use, flexible and adaptable materials with comprehensive support and guidance from the Teacher's Book allow teachers to tailor their lessons to the needs of their students with minimum effort. With new Online Practice providing automatically-marked practice activities for self-study, video and audio to download or stream, and progress tracking for students and teachers. Teaching notes, ideas, and activities to make lessons more involving and enjoyable. Detailed suggestions for using the course one-to-one and with pre-work learners. The DVD contains the videos featured in the Student's Book. Answer keys for all the activities in the Student's Book units and practice files. Photocopiable speaking tests are accompanied by marking criteria, helping you to easily assess communicative performance The DVD contains the videos featured in Student's Book Videos include documentary clips, authentic interviews and dramatized scenarios showcasing business communication skills Video lessons relate to themes in the units and build up to communicative tasks Online Practice enables you to track your students' progress
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