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Look and See 2. British English. Teacher's Book with ABC Poster

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Look and See 2. British English. Teacher's Book with ABC Poster - Книга для учителя с плакатом с алфавитом серии «Look and See». Исследуйте, задавайте вопросы и творите с помощью трехуровневого курса английского языка Look and See (CEFR Pre-A1), для детей дошкольного возраста! Курс дает малышам прочную языковую базу и готовит их к чтению и письму с помощью уроков по изучению фонем, букв и цифр, подготовки к грамматике и развитию мелкой моторики рук. А благодаря богатому контенту National Geographic, включающему множество прекрасных фотографий, видеозаписей, различных тем из реальных предметных областей, учащиеся смогут больше узнать об окружающем их мире. Пособие для учителя включает пошаговые инструкции по проведению уроков со страницами из учебника, а также заметки, дополнительные советы по обучению, стратегиям, информацию о содержании курса. К пособию прилагается плакат с алфавитом. Play. Learn. Make. Connect. Explore, question, and create with Look and See, a 3-level series for very young learners of English. Help learners understand how the world works with photos, video, and topics across real-world subject areas, featuring the National Geographic Photo Ark. Show children how to work together with Games, Songs and Value activities that promote play, curiosity, and understanding. Give very young learners a strong language foundation and prepare them to read and write with lessons for phonemic awareness, grammar preparation, and prewriting practice. Teach confidently with step-by-step lesson plans, extra teaching material, and comprehensive digital classroom presentation support. With Videos that show children the world up close and Projects that allow them to interact with it, Look and See has everything teachers need to help students play, learn, make, and connect and deepen their understanding of the world and English. Features Age-appropriate topics across multiple real-world subject areas Contextualized Vocabulary and game-based Grammar Structure presentation Fun and physical Song lessons with Value activities Prewriting practice and Numbers instruction Letter-sound recognition and reading preparation lessons for phonemic awareness featuring the National Geographic Photo Ark Real-world Video lessons that promote meaningful language connections End-of-unit Projects that encourage students to create and show what they know Teach confidently with step-by-step lesson plans, extra teaching material, and digital classroom presentation support
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